
Name Japan CRO Association
Location 504 Nihonbashi Life Science Bldg., 2-3-11
Nihonbashi Hon-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Japan 103-0023
Established Sept. 1994
Number of Members 47 companies
(13 regular members, 34 associate members)
Vice Chairman Hidetaka ANDO [EPS Corporation]
Hideyasu MATSUDA [IQVIA Services Japan G.K.]


Hitoshi KAMIYA [A2 Healthcare Corporation]
Fumiaki HAMANO [Fortrea Japan K.K.]
Atsushi OGAWA [ICON Clinical Research GK]
Yuichi YAHAGI [Ark Medical Solutions Inc.]
Mutsukuni KATAOKA [PAREXEL International Inc.]


Masashi IWASAKI [intellim Corporation]
Tadashi INAGAMI [SRD Co., Ltd.]

Special Advisors Kazuo NAKAMURA [CMIC HOLDINGS Co., Ltd.]
Hisashi UEMATSU [Japan CRO Association]
Business activities Japan CRO Association (as JCROA hereinafter) is composed by CRO (Contract Research Organization) member companies in Japan that contract the execution and management of clinical investigation and post-marketing surveillance with the sponsors and manufacturers. JCROA implements the business activities so as to realize the followings:

  • Exploring the ideal CRO in Japan and making efforts for its appropriate establishment, stabilizing and development
  • Endeavoring to secure the reliability of quality of contracting services and its results and enhancement, to contribute in efficiency and development of clinical investigations in Japan
  • Seek for the ethical and scientific operation of clinical investigations so as to obtain the global evaluation, and to contribute to its internationalization

Main business activities

  1. Implementing the best practices of ensuring and improvement of quality and reliability of contracted services
  2. Driving fair and strict clinical investigation in compliance with regulations
  3. Executing and searching for the ethical and scientific clinical investigations
  4. Exploring the way of being of CRO in terms of internationalization of clinical studies
  5. Executing the public relations to strive the facilitation of clinical investigations and improvement its quality
  6. Collaboration with regulatory agencies and organizations and providing opinions
  7. Information sharing contributing to improvement of members as well as conducting education and trainings
Secretariat TEL: +81-3-6262-5472
FAX: +81-3-6262-5473
Inquiry by e-mail
